New website online!

This is the new website of Roger Josefsson made by Leo Horovitz. In contrast to the old site which was coded in static HTML, this is built with WordPress which means that it is more dynamic and easier to update. Something which should hopefully mean that new material will be added at a higher frequency than in the past. Stay tuned.

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1 Response to New website online!

  1. Hi there,

    I stumbled across your art on the Wooloo website and was really impressed with your work. I work for The Brick Lane Gallery in London; we are a rentable gallery space where artists can showcase their work. We think your work is strong enough for a solo exhibition in our gallery and we would love to be in touch.

    If you are interested in future collaborations with our gallery then please email our Gallery Manager, Daisy Darby on

    We very much look forward to hearing from you.

    Kind regards, ( med vänliga hälsningar )


    Gallery Assistant

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