For 30 years I have worked with a combination of collage and painting and I’m still as fascinated by the surprising possibilities of combination that can arise in this method of creating. I always start the work with preparing a workspace by scraping out paint in several layers until I feel unrestricting possibilities have arisen. After this the artistic process can start in an interacting combination of painting and collage which most often takes place at the floor of the studio where I have easy access to collage materials spread out over the floor wherein I use trial and error by adding and removing chosen material. By doing the work on the floor I also have a good overview and can let the process take its time. I also have to say that I am enormously interested in the very process, as a sort of end in itself where the result often comes as a total surprise. Normally I work on several projects at the same time which enables me to complete several works in a serial process where some sort of coherent narrative can arise. I never know in advance what I will make, I instead test the different possibilities which arise during the process. However, I can in retrospect sense an existential fundament and sometimes also an ironic element in my works. My inspiration is to create as suggestive an expression as possible where the picture, without synthetic means or strained shortcomings, can stand on its own.